La recensione del The Village Voice sul documentario BAD 25
October 19, 2012

I critici cinematografici stanno esprimendo pareri positivi su BAD25, il documentario su Michael Jackson diretto dal famoso regista Spike Lee. Il film ha guadagnato una recensione molto positiva da parte del quotidiano di New York The Village Voice. Queste le parole su BAD25:

Look, if there’s any part of you that thinks you might be interested in catching BAD25, Spike Lee’s two-hour celebration/behind-the-scenes history of Michael Jackson’s 1988 BAD LP, then seriously, get to it. This is a bliss-out. The performance footage alone is thrilling, and Lee has augmented it with archival treasures: dance rehearsals where Jackson and choreographers Jeffrey Daniel and Caszper Canidate seem lost in the joy of invention; recordings of vocal exercises revealing Jackson’s rarely plumbed lower registers; video shot by Jackson himself of Siedah Garrett singing her then-new song (co-written with Glen Ballard) “Man in the Mirror” to Jackson and Quincy Jones. … Spike Lee has given the world the first tribute that fully measures up to Jackson the artist. Come on get your sham on.