The movie ‘The Wiz” premiered on this date in 1978, marking Michael Jackson’s debut in a major motion picture. The more...
Nicole Smith of AFAR Magazine shares her tips for attending the Las Vegas show, Michael Jackson ONE: “I recommend that more...
Do you have photos of your Michael Jackson concert experience? Share them with the Michael Jackson fan community at this more...
Michael in April 1982 seen outside the Westlake Recording Studios when he had just started working on “Thriller”. He says more...
With Halloween less than two weeks away, get into the spirit by listening to “MICHAEL JACKSON X HALLOWEEN” Spotify playlist, more...
Michael’s success with his short films “Billie Jean” and “Beat It” on MTV vaulted him on to the cover of more...
The West End production of MJ the Musical has over 460 ratings on with 92% of the ratings being more...
Todd Gray, who photographed Michael Jackson several times from 1979 through 1983, remarks on Michael’s discipline: “From early on, I more...
“Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough”, hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart this week in 1979 making it more...